lost 90 lbs with Horizons

Karen has lost 90 lbs with Horizons. Her weight loss journey has been just that – a journey. She says, “Well, it’s been up and down. But this time it’s been down and down. It’s been one of the easiest diets I’ve ever been on.”

Over the years Karen has struggled with her weight. When asked what made her decide to make a change, she said, “Mainly because I didn’t feel good. I was tired all the time. I had no energy. And I just felt like I needed to do it for me, and I’m getting to an age where I need to have energy, because when you get older you don’t have a lot of energy.” 

While weight loss is often associated with looks, what we hear time and time again is more so about how extra weight makes people feel – both physically and emotionally. When we have unhealthy eating habits and an inactive lifestyle, it’s common to feel tired and to overall just not feel good.

But it can be difficult to make a real long lasting change, especially as life happens – as Karen knows too well. She says, “Well part of it was you go through life, life happens. My daughter had a fire at her house, and I was a stress eater. So I would get stressed out over certain things and then I would eat and then I would gain weight and then I would get back on the diet and I would stay with it and then I would lose weight. With other diets I would lose weight and then gain it all back immediately. This one has been almost a year. And I’m keeping it off, so that’s a big plus for me.”

“With other diets I would lose weight and then gain it all back immediately. This one has been almost a year. And I’m keeping it off, so that’s a big plus for me.”

As Karen found out, knowing your triggers for unhealthy habits is key to changing them. The first step is to recognize why, and then you can begin to find other healthier ways to cope. At Horizons we look at the big picture when it comes to weight loss, because we know it’s more complicated that simply eating different foods and portion sizes.

Because we believe in looking at the big picture, encouragement and support are a big part of any weight loss program with Horizons. 


Meet Karen

Favorite Food: Pizza and ice cream

Favorite TV Show: Anything on the Hallmark channel

Favorite Vacation Spot: Hilton Head

Most of our programs involve weekly visits to the office or weekly contact if you’re doing an online program. We also run a Facebook group that you can go to for support or if you have any questions during the program. 

We asked Karen how Horizons was different from other diets she has tried, and she said, “You know the morale here at the office when I come in. People encouraging you always. Even on Facebook, the encouragement that you get. Even if you mess up, people don’t really put you down. They keep on encouraging you to get back on track and do it again. That’s been the best part about it. All the encouragement that you get.”